Magic Smoke TCP App Support

Contact Info

Thank you for visiting our support page. Please review the instructions about how to use the app below and also the troubleshooting techniques.

If your issue persists, please reach out to


Try closing the app and re-opening it.

Click "Connected" several times, and each time it will refresh the TCP connection.

Check your IP Address and Port number to be sure they are correct.

Save a button with a new string to send, and then change it back.

How to Use the App

When the app first launches, the buttons do not have anything saved in them.

Press the 'Edit' button and click on a button one at a time to edit both the title and the command that is sent upon pressing the button. Make sure to press 'Save' to save the changes.

Pess 'Done' to stop editing commands.

Then, type in the IP address and the port number for the TCP connection you would like to create, and press 'Connect'

When the button changes it's title from 'Connecting' to 'Connected', you should be able to send TCP commands.

When the 'Send' button is pressed, whatever is in the 'Any Command' text field is sent.

The developer is not responsible for any damage caused to a vehicle that receives TCP command which cause it to create "Magic Smoke!" ;)